viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015


1.- to the  one being chased
2.- the narrator
terror | negative 
fear | negative
excitement | positive
worried | neutral
4.- It felt as something curdled inside her
5.-  Veppers had a perfectly modulated voice, and Jasken had fabulous and expenssive glasses
6.- nightvision glasses 
7.- she is escaping
8.- because they are flexed 
10.- because of some problem she had in her legs 
11.-Because in that place she dug out a tracer device 
a)relaxed, loosened | smoothly
b) wide apart | wide rear 
c) varied | multi famous 
d) complicated | trouble 
e)related | similar 
f) asked for | called on

13.- because they were using a radio
14.- radios, earphones and nightvision glasses
15.-In the present, and probably in some kind of forest
16.- you feel like the narrator
17.- the hunters because they are badassand the might have a very good reason to hunt her
18.- the hunters will manage to hunt her with the help of the chief and others. then they end up torturing her, but this thing probably woudn't appear in the book because it is more commercial  than gore.

Speech task

First of all hello to all of my animals, thank you for being present in such a special day for all of us. You might be asking why, why is this so important, and it is not something very easy to say, but an obligation after all. This thing is the fact that the animals that govern us, those who claim to want a fair society between all of us, and even more than fair, equal, those hypocrite leaders we have, have been lying to us all this time, and not just that, but also mistreated some animals of the farm for not obeying what they were commanded to do. These animals were the hens, which were mistreated by the pigs because of not wanting to give their eggs to the pigs, wich wanted to sell them instead of giving them to us. Also these horrendous liers sleep in beds, thing that was stated especifically not to be done since the beggining. But if we want to talk about lies then its obligatory to mention to all of you that these lies were made by Napoleon, our leader and supposses guide. This hypocrite killed Boxer, brainwashed all of us and took advantage, cheated all of us by saying something and then changing it for the benefit of himself.
 With all that said my fellows and equally hurt animals, I propose to all of you to face him, confront him with all the hatred and resentment you feel right now. To start a revolution so we can finally bring him down and the most important thing, make him pay for what he did to all of us.
Afterwards, we must create a new type of government which must be honest, crystal clear, organized and most important, equal for all of us. But to create this prosperous future, we"ll need the support of every single one of you, let's fight for our freedom, equality and prosperity my brothers!