martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

e-mackay task 1

I´d conduct the cloning of humans to a good side, the side of creation, progress and social welfare and the right things for humanity, the way I would do this, is by cloning humans, but not just any human, only the ones who are considered "good" and with this I mean people who are correct about what they think, ethic; in this way all the clones would be correct, people who are good, in this way all the bad thing in earth woud disappear, as cruelty, corruption and other things. I think it is more important to clone the first human ever and finally I would not let the world to know about my experiments, i would just keep it secret, because if I do the opossite then my experiments would become very controversial around the world, and I wouldnt be able to do them again

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